Joinery Babies

The Joinery seems to be having a baby boom. First, just over a year ago, our finish team-lead Kelly and his wife Megan had a beautiful (and very tall) baby girl Lilly.  Apparently Lilly made parenthood look so tempting, 6 other Joinery employees decided to give it a try. Here’s Kelly, Megan and Lilly shopping for a Christmas tree:

Kelly, Megan, and Lilly

Then Justin, our dining table team-lead and previously featured woodworker, and his wife Lisa had a lovely girl four months ago.  Grace has lovely, full cheeks as you can see in the photo below:

Justin and Grace

Two months later Luca arrived in the home of Otto, our Woodworker of the Year, and is wife Reka.  She has more hair than any baby we’ve ever seen, lucky girl! 

Otto and Luca

Four weeks ago, Cassandra, our marketing genius, and her husband Joby had the first Joinery boy.  Baby Quinn was born with dark hair, chubby cheeks and very pleasant demeanor.

Cassandra and Quinn

We still have three more Joinery families expecting over the next six months, resulting in 7 Joinery babies in 2 years.  It’s a good thing we really love babies!


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