Builder Feature: Mecheal

Woodworking has been in Mecheal’s blood for as long as he can remember. His father owned a furniture manufacturing facility and store in Damascus, Syria, and Mecheal first began helping out in the summers when he was about ten. He began working full time after his high school graduation.

The first piece he remembers completing all on his own was a custom bed. The furniture designs in Syria were much more ornate than we build, including a lot of texture and carving. Mecheal continually developed his skills and eventually took over the leadership of a building team. He worked in his father’s shop until he came to the US in 2008, and has worked at The Joinery since that time.

Featured Builder Mecheal

Mecheal loves the precision of the dovetail joint, and the rich beauty of Western Walnut, but is not wedded to a particular style or wood species. Instead he loves the variety of pieces that he works each month, and the challenge of the custom pieces that continually come his way.

Although Mecheal is accomplished at both Beds and Chairs, he is not one to spend time relaxing, at least while he is at work. At home has a small shop, and enjoys spending time with his family, which is about to get bigger with his wife pregnant with their second child.

Featured Builder Mecheal


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