Embrace Innovation

In any business, innovation is key to engaging employees and improving upon products and processes. To help bring these moments to light, we came up with our "J-Coins." We have about 50 of these circulating among our staff at any given time.

Innovation Coins

While this may not capture all the innovations that happen throughout the company, we have found it to be a nice way for us to all get involved and share in each other’s innovative moments.

Here is how it works:

When you observe an innovation from another team member, you give them a J-Coin. The goal is not to see how many you can collect. Rather, it is for the recipient of the J-Coin to recognize an innovation from a teammate as quickly as possible. At the end of every month we recognize innovations at our company meeting, and at the end of the year the employee with the most innovations wins Innovator Award.

This program (along with the idea and design of the J-Coins) was the idea of Taryn, our Furniture Designer. And our inaugural coin was given to Tenzin, pictured below, for devising a new clamp pad.

Tenzin receives innagural Innovation Coin

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